
Posts Tagged ‘civilians wounded’

April 6, 2011

An Afghan woman has died after being hit by a British military vehicle in the capital, Kabul, police say.

Reports say the vehicle collided with pedestrians in the west of the city. Police say a woman and a child were also injured in the accident.

Police and Nato say no shots were fired by troops, contradicting earlier reports quoting police. An investigation is under way. (more…)

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By: Ian McPhedran

March 30, 2011

The five-year-old was shot when a joint Australian-Afghan patrol was engaged by four insurgents on Sunday.

When the smoke cleared one insurgent fighter lay dead and the boy was found by the Australian troops in a critical condition, suffering from a gunshot wound to his chest.

Immediate first aid was applied and he was flown to hospital at the Australian base in Tarin Kowt before being transferred by air with his father to a medical facility at Kandahar air base. (more…)

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By Tarek Amara

April 4, 2011
SFAX, Tunisia (Reuters) – Gaddafi forces using tanks and snipers are carrying out a “massacre” in Misrata with corpses on the streets and hospitals full of the wounded, evacuees said, with one describing the besieged city as “hell.”

Misrata, Libya’s third city, rose up with other towns against Muammar Gaddafi’s rule in mid-February, and it is now under attack by government troops after a violent crackdown put an end to most protests elsewhere in the west of the country.

“You have to visit Misrata to see the massacre by Gaddafi,” said Omar Boubaker, a 40-year-old engineer with a bullet wound to the leg, brought to the Tunisian port of Sfax by a French aid group. “Corpses are in the street. Hospitals are overflowing.” (more…)

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By: Ismail Sameem

March 31, 2011

(Reuters) – Foreign troops killed two Afghan civilians in restive southern Kandahar city on Thursday, a police detective said, days after the publication of gruesome photos of the body of an unarmed teenager murdered by U.S. soldiers nearby.

NATO soldiers opened fire after a car with brake failure sped toward a checkpoint set up by foreign and Afghan troops, who thought the vehicle was part of a suicide attack, said Fazel Ahmad Sherzad, a senior detective in Kandahar city. (more…)

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By: David D. KirkPatrick

March 30, 2011

TRIPOLI, Libya — Militia loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi laid land mines on the edge of the city of Ajdabiya in eastern Libya, Human Rights Watch said in a statement Wednesday.

Peter Bouckaert, a researcher for the group working out of the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, said in the statement that both antivehicle and antipersonnel mines had been found in the ground. An electrical utility truck ran over and detonated two antipersonnel mines on Monday, and 24 antivehicle mines and more than 30 antipersonnel mines were later removed from the same area. No injuries were reported. (more…)

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